Saturday, November 10, 2018

I am at Daku Con, no pics yet

Well...I am doing the run through of my panels and enjoying a bit of a break even though I am still worrying about my laptop, my panels for tomorrow are not as extensive or weird. Though this one which is my Japanese Urban Legends panel is still pretty big and one of the ones that I spent the most time researching and working with.

I am giving credit to blameitonjorge, a YouTuber who is very interesting and has posted some interesting media as of late that has made my panels much easier on the research end. He also does a lot of work that has gotten me information that I would not regularly find just by doing more research into my panel. The truth is that research and also working with others helps get the information and I do love having to look at his profile and also learn he is a great person to talk to regarding the work.

I am still trying to finish up some of the research just for tonight and hope that I don't mess up. I'm going to be working through not just this, but next year's panel on Japanese Horror Media and a few other crazy Japanese stories.

I am also going to be getting a group together to do "Ghost Shit! Ghost Story: Audience Participation and Shit Show!" It is me making fun of the show and also allowing the audience to give some feedback to this Anime flop.

As for my writing panel, which is the smallest concern, I am doing something on Adult Fan Fiction and also how to write complicated adult situations. The truth is that smut is not always the easiest thing to write and yeah, I am going to be sending people to a porn fiction site that will help in writing sex scenes. Sometimes you have to go to a porn site just to get that kind of help, it helped me write those scenes a few times in adult fan fiction (and no I don't do rape). The truth is that many people are pretty strange when it comes to that kind of I have to make that point that not everyone will be comfortable about going to a site that is also talking about sex constantly.

The last panel is a fan panel, so that one is not going to be as annoying as the writing one, though I am excited about showing some funny stuff to people even with NO DVD player. Hell, pointing people to sits and crazy shit helps.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Ready to test out!

Yup, that is right, I am revamping the entire story yet again, the truth is, I was frustrated the last few times I sat down to type it up and then went screw it! The truth is, that even when I'm ready to write, I'm about to throw in the towel...there is just something so frustrating about this.

So yeah, I am giving myself a bit of a break and starting to work on some panels for Daku Con 2019, yeah, I am planning ahead of schedule as I planned last year for the panels for 2018. The fact is, that I start that work and research right after con and start working through the problems and then updating information if I need it.

Also for next year, I am going to do round one of real editing for my book.

I am dropping out of StarFest 2019 due to scheduling conflicts with Colorado Anime Fest, I can go to one, but not both!

Daku Con is a few days away and I finished up work on the panels just within days. I am also working to help friends out. My former friend, Lynda is going to be there and yes, we made up in the most awesome way because guess what she is basically having the same medical problems and we both need someone to lean on to talk things out with. She also looks like she needs really good friends other than the three she has currently, so my friends and I are going to be adopting her!