Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy Christmas and Dragons' Day

^_^ I have to say, I need to work on the holidays in the world I'm working I'm thinking what is similar to Dec. 25 would be the day the Dragons opened their world to the other planes and kept the worlds at peace.

So hope every reader has a great holiday

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Taking Time Off

I had to take time off from writing for a bit so I can finish up the rest of the editing and then trying to fix a few things.

The new stuff coming out will be official, though this isn't the actual story and just a test for what you guys can expect for the future. ^_^ The real story isn't finished yet and I'm hoping that my fiance and I will finish up all the editing in time for the Holidays.

Also been readying for a movie coming out soon, I will tell you later when I actually get a chance to see it.