Wednesday, July 26, 2017

New Project...

A few times I talked about a writing contest, I usually think that I might as well think it a punishment, but I have until the 25th of August to finish the project. I was actually writing a project story and I'm not entirely sure I want to enter it, but I will just to get a taste of writing a bit as a flash fiction.

I have not said much about the Dragon's Library or about other editing issues I have had for the last few times I have sat down to edit. I have thought about typing it up after this editing factor and talk to my friend to help me.

So here I am writing the new story and thinking, what do I do if I win? It is a trip to Japan and I'm kind of terrified if I go.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Tears to a singer

I don't listen to Linkin Park, but some of the songs do reach my ears from time to time, and knowing that Chester of this band is no longer here. It was a suicide and for the most part I was depressed and felt horribly about this news.

I was out with a friend and we saw the posts on Facebook and my heart just sank in so many ways at this, remembering a friend who left the same way. I don't talk to many people about what happened but a friend of mine back in high school who came out as gay committed suicide because he was tired of being tortured. I remember the news I got about it, and miss him.

I know the fans of Linkin Park are going to be sad for a long time, this was a great singer, and a great person, but he had his flaws. Goodbye Chester, you will be missed.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Recovery and Book Work....oh...roommate....again

When I thought I could heal from surgery, I have one new person moving in, he doesn't seem to be much trouble for me, he's living in the basement. So far though I'm working on my book on some point, but at other points, I'm trying to recover.

I can't bend over, so cleaning up a bathroom is impossible, same with cleaning a cat box, I feel sorry for the cat. Then I have to deal with people like my fiance and landlord who doesn't seem to listen too well. So far though I'm going to be working with more after I recover.

Though for a fact that writing is becoming much stranger and I'm inviting more characters into the story, there is a chance that the story might get more interesting. I'm to the point that I want to work harder on the story.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Surgery was what put me on edge

Okay, while I had to get a hernia removed and delayed me from writing yet again, I felt horrible and also having it made it worse. I also blew up at someone, but turned out to be truth that he was a bit of a psycho.

Also having no coverage until September is not going to help me much yet.

Also it came to my attention a friend of mine is having some problems with his Word program, made me think about this. If anyone needs to, there is a backup you can use called Open Office.

Here is the link: Open Office

The reason I recommend it is because when I need Word, I can't always get it, this is just something I can use in its place and I recommend it to anyone who is a writer that needs it. I have told people a few times that using it in place of Word, it helps.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Is writing Fantasy making you a Snowflake?

I was hoping to never discuss this at least for what I felt was just a troll online, I was told writing even what I love is considering making me a Snowflake. I'm terrified of writing and now I'm not sure what I should do. Should I continue with the book series or should I just hide the literature and hope no one makes a show of it? I'm to the point that writing or even being one is kind of a risk to one's personal life.

I remember talking online about being a writer and talking to an editor, I was happy about the whole thing, but even though the editor fell through, it was still worth while to see people say, "Hey, at least you're going to get it done." Then when all this stuff that is political happening, hostility got worse and when I told someone I hope that I could still write even with the hostility and the person called me a horrible writer and I'm not brilliant or great, I'm just awful anyway and no one will read what I have to write. Not only was I shaken hat someone who was a friend, suddenly turned into a terrible person, that I was suddenly not worth ever becoming a writer, that I am a pathetic Snowflake.

I started to hate the term and I think that it is best that maybe I should try and hide some of the works and yes, I know I'm trying to keep politics off this blog about my writing. I'm terrified of everything, and even if I'm successful, I'm pretty sure that I will fail because of my terrors and night terrors about writing and being called out.

The truth is, how do I know if writing is the right thing?