Friday, June 22, 2018

Setting up for writing draft 1

I have started working on my first draft, but my confidence is kind of shot, truthfully, I'm basically feeling cheap.The fact is I refused to allow my ex to touch any draft of the book I am working on and the reason is simple. He thinks he is all that an a bag of chips, mostly he feels he is entitled to stuff and comes from money. I really do not feel it makes him worth while to edit me or speak to me on the matter of my own writing.

I have been attempting to brighten my mood and I have not eaten in a day, which is not normal, usually I will have cereal or something, but I am just not interested in eating while I write. Not to mention, considering that right now, I am alienated to my writing, considering my ex is snippy and likes to dominate a room and attention.

I cannot afford to move out and live alone, but I really wish I could give my fiance his space and his friends. I would accept a job in Broomfield.