Wednesday, December 28, 2016

2016, please be over!

I have been a long time fan of Star Wars since I was four years old, sitting in my father's lap watching it on an old TV that had seen better days. I remember admiring Princess Leia, I remember wanting to be just like her and also being like Luke Skywalker, wanting to be a Jedi. I wanted so badly as a child to just for once be a hero just like her, the princess who was rescued, but could hold her own in some cases. She was not entirely helpless in a sense, and I guess when I was reading through my characters, Kel was more like Princess Leia sometimes.

I was crying as I heard the news of my hero, I could not hold back my tears as I was just hearing of her loss and the moment when I realized I would not see her on twitter. I loved her riddles on there, sometimes trying to solve her emoji and script that made her so great at the game, waiting for her followers to give her an answer.

I would turn on twitter and read her opinions and sometimes I would be shocked that somehow she was saying what was actually flickering in my mind. I remember words of encouragement when I mentioned that I was a scaredy cat, that I would have hid under a table if given the option of meeting her, that I was scared of embarassing myself. She must of thought me a funny person to say such things even though I would have told her the reason was I am just an easily startled person.

She was like the good friend on twitter who challenged the normal thought patterns of others, who loved to remind us we are human and we need to have a heart.

As I was sitting staring at messages of her death, of the memories that were shared on twitter, the moments my heart went completely soft. I never cried this much in a long time, my hero of childhood long passed who made me feel like I wasn't useless or a bad person. You are my hero and maybe more than that considering that I did start on the second half The Dragon's Library today.

Monday, December 26, 2016

The Christmas Stress

Tis the season for stressing out, should be over now that it passed and gifts were given. Sadly, though this poor writer was stressing over a lot of other things. So here I am at 3 am wide awake, and now working toward getting a New Years thing...O_O; Yeah, editing and redoing one chapter at a time till I can get a proper draft set for an editor.

So far...the factors are still on editing issues and finishing up the first book and make sure its finally able to be handed to an editor.

Fiance wants me to allow a certain fellow to edit it, know this person personally and that's not going to work for me. I want a story editor that isn't going to just make fun of me...that's the worst feeling when you know someone personally and know their quirks.

So I'm going to have to close in saying the ACK and ick of the possible editing world is going to be a pain in my neck in 2017.

Saturday, December 17, 2016


Well...I won't know until I wake up sometime around 11 am if I can head into work...considering if that is the case, I might spend the day doing a rewrite for my story, yet again. Not that it matters that I have been writing nonstop for the last few last sessions of my spouts of writing moments.

I was spending a breaking listening to a few problems, but then realized it wasn't anything to be done. I don't mind listening the woes of a fellow employee, if its about snow, nothing I can do, mother nature hates everyone at times, just have to go with the flow.

I have spent and entire time worrying about no one wanting to read half my stuff and I guess that's fine, but no one really reads half my posts on FB either I don't say much.

Also on the other hand I have been mourning the loss of something I lost in 2011, I lost him to a wild animal and to this day I'm still depressed around this time of hopefully I feel better in time for the holidays.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Foolishness from some people

I don't usually enjoy click baiting, but while thinking and writing goes hand in hand, I saw it...this mental note to myself I am realizing it now. Apparently some school in Virginia just removed a book that I apparently loved as a teenager, "To Kill a Mockingbird," by Harper Lee, I was fifteen when this book come into my hands, and I was actually amazed at such a strange work at first. I was interested in the wording and the story and the whole thing that happened in such a small southern town.

Then to learn that a school removed it due to what they consider racism...what is this world coming to? I am staring at the articles coming up and just start wondering why are all these people  getting offended? I am just wondering because that book was actually required reading in my high school English class, and so was the Crucible, and many other works that could be considered offensive to some people.

Much of my writing is inspired from older works and seeing such a work being put under because some parents are getting overly offended. The story is not about racism at all, its about putting aside race to understand that justice is more important, that innocence is what shinning through regardless of race.

The fact many young readers won't be influenced by the great writing of Harper or even Mark Twain is shocking to me, that means a great deal will be lost to them. Many great writers outside the modern are amazing to read.

Here I am rattling off how much work I have gotten into with my own, and still pay my respects to the writers who have come before me. It makes me sad to see such amazing intellectualism suddenly being considered so horribly wrong. I would feel worse if it was Bram Stokers, Frank Herbert, and many other greats are suddenly removed from schools for one thing or another that would rob someone of great literature.

Truthfully, my entire world would have crashed if it happened when I was a teenager, just the mere thought of no books or being discouraged to read such literary works. Watching this world turn upside down is just not worth it to me, I want to work my four years of literary works and make a difference to at least a few great kids out there.

Inspiration for my characters?

I was writing down what inspired my characters and I thought about the whole thing, yeah, I was watching Star Wars as a kid, I was into movies like Legend, Red Sonya, The Last Starfighter, and the list of fantasy and sci-fi goes on and I could pick on character that was inspired from all of these, I would say Kel.

Kel was inspired from a lot of the characters who come from a situation that was mixed, she's a mix of hate and loyalty, she has honor and that's one thing that I remember. I remember the words of a very old rat from a show I used to watch....okay, that was from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles who believed that honor is to help life, not take it. So yeah, Kel is a Cilve she is from an assassin race, but she is also a creature that lives with being who she is, but also doesn't have to follow the same trail as her ancestors have. She has a choice, and that's evident.

Dreselia comes from some of my favorite kind of characters, scholars, at times I see him as someone who would be a Jedi Knight, or someone from Legend who has seen a lot of things and knows much of the world. I was sitting there looking at his character design and his thoughts and words, remembering that he is the old mage who would walk around and smile. He is certainly not a Gandalf type of character, he wouldn't go into wild adventures, more they seem to come after him.

Now onto a few other characters...well....I'm no going into detail, so I'm just leaving you with that.

Today was pretty interesting considering I went out with a friend and went to a place called Black and Read, which is a used bookstore.