Wednesday, December 28, 2016

2016, please be over!

I have been a long time fan of Star Wars since I was four years old, sitting in my father's lap watching it on an old TV that had seen better days. I remember admiring Princess Leia, I remember wanting to be just like her and also being like Luke Skywalker, wanting to be a Jedi. I wanted so badly as a child to just for once be a hero just like her, the princess who was rescued, but could hold her own in some cases. She was not entirely helpless in a sense, and I guess when I was reading through my characters, Kel was more like Princess Leia sometimes.

I was crying as I heard the news of my hero, I could not hold back my tears as I was just hearing of her loss and the moment when I realized I would not see her on twitter. I loved her riddles on there, sometimes trying to solve her emoji and script that made her so great at the game, waiting for her followers to give her an answer.

I would turn on twitter and read her opinions and sometimes I would be shocked that somehow she was saying what was actually flickering in my mind. I remember words of encouragement when I mentioned that I was a scaredy cat, that I would have hid under a table if given the option of meeting her, that I was scared of embarassing myself. She must of thought me a funny person to say such things even though I would have told her the reason was I am just an easily startled person.

She was like the good friend on twitter who challenged the normal thought patterns of others, who loved to remind us we are human and we need to have a heart.

As I was sitting staring at messages of her death, of the memories that were shared on twitter, the moments my heart went completely soft. I never cried this much in a long time, my hero of childhood long passed who made me feel like I wasn't useless or a bad person. You are my hero and maybe more than that considering that I did start on the second half The Dragon's Library today.

Monday, December 26, 2016

The Christmas Stress

Tis the season for stressing out, should be over now that it passed and gifts were given. Sadly, though this poor writer was stressing over a lot of other things. So here I am at 3 am wide awake, and now working toward getting a New Years thing...O_O; Yeah, editing and redoing one chapter at a time till I can get a proper draft set for an editor.

So far...the factors are still on editing issues and finishing up the first book and make sure its finally able to be handed to an editor.

Fiance wants me to allow a certain fellow to edit it, know this person personally and that's not going to work for me. I want a story editor that isn't going to just make fun of me...that's the worst feeling when you know someone personally and know their quirks.

So I'm going to have to close in saying the ACK and ick of the possible editing world is going to be a pain in my neck in 2017.

Saturday, December 17, 2016


Well...I won't know until I wake up sometime around 11 am if I can head into work...considering if that is the case, I might spend the day doing a rewrite for my story, yet again. Not that it matters that I have been writing nonstop for the last few last sessions of my spouts of writing moments.

I was spending a breaking listening to a few problems, but then realized it wasn't anything to be done. I don't mind listening the woes of a fellow employee, if its about snow, nothing I can do, mother nature hates everyone at times, just have to go with the flow.

I have spent and entire time worrying about no one wanting to read half my stuff and I guess that's fine, but no one really reads half my posts on FB either I don't say much.

Also on the other hand I have been mourning the loss of something I lost in 2011, I lost him to a wild animal and to this day I'm still depressed around this time of hopefully I feel better in time for the holidays.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Foolishness from some people

I don't usually enjoy click baiting, but while thinking and writing goes hand in hand, I saw it...this mental note to myself I am realizing it now. Apparently some school in Virginia just removed a book that I apparently loved as a teenager, "To Kill a Mockingbird," by Harper Lee, I was fifteen when this book come into my hands, and I was actually amazed at such a strange work at first. I was interested in the wording and the story and the whole thing that happened in such a small southern town.

Then to learn that a school removed it due to what they consider racism...what is this world coming to? I am staring at the articles coming up and just start wondering why are all these people  getting offended? I am just wondering because that book was actually required reading in my high school English class, and so was the Crucible, and many other works that could be considered offensive to some people.

Much of my writing is inspired from older works and seeing such a work being put under because some parents are getting overly offended. The story is not about racism at all, its about putting aside race to understand that justice is more important, that innocence is what shinning through regardless of race.

The fact many young readers won't be influenced by the great writing of Harper or even Mark Twain is shocking to me, that means a great deal will be lost to them. Many great writers outside the modern are amazing to read.

Here I am rattling off how much work I have gotten into with my own, and still pay my respects to the writers who have come before me. It makes me sad to see such amazing intellectualism suddenly being considered so horribly wrong. I would feel worse if it was Bram Stokers, Frank Herbert, and many other greats are suddenly removed from schools for one thing or another that would rob someone of great literature.

Truthfully, my entire world would have crashed if it happened when I was a teenager, just the mere thought of no books or being discouraged to read such literary works. Watching this world turn upside down is just not worth it to me, I want to work my four years of literary works and make a difference to at least a few great kids out there.

Inspiration for my characters?

I was writing down what inspired my characters and I thought about the whole thing, yeah, I was watching Star Wars as a kid, I was into movies like Legend, Red Sonya, The Last Starfighter, and the list of fantasy and sci-fi goes on and I could pick on character that was inspired from all of these, I would say Kel.

Kel was inspired from a lot of the characters who come from a situation that was mixed, she's a mix of hate and loyalty, she has honor and that's one thing that I remember. I remember the words of a very old rat from a show I used to watch....okay, that was from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles who believed that honor is to help life, not take it. So yeah, Kel is a Cilve she is from an assassin race, but she is also a creature that lives with being who she is, but also doesn't have to follow the same trail as her ancestors have. She has a choice, and that's evident.

Dreselia comes from some of my favorite kind of characters, scholars, at times I see him as someone who would be a Jedi Knight, or someone from Legend who has seen a lot of things and knows much of the world. I was sitting there looking at his character design and his thoughts and words, remembering that he is the old mage who would walk around and smile. He is certainly not a Gandalf type of character, he wouldn't go into wild adventures, more they seem to come after him.

Now onto a few other characters...well....I'm no going into detail, so I'm just leaving you with that.

Today was pretty interesting considering I went out with a friend and went to a place called Black and Read, which is a used bookstore.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Author's Surprise

After being attacked for working a certain retail store, I opted to make something exclusive to my fellow workers. I was hoping to get it set up if I ever became a famous writer, i would walk into a random Walmart, walk up to corporate and say this very friendly. "I would love to host an event, I would like to make something exclusive for associates and their families, I would love to give them a glimpse and also a chance to have a photo with Dreselia the Dragon and Belinda. I want them to be the first and also want to show them some appreciation."

Years of working there, I think they would deserve it, I know its kind of hopeful thinking, but I would love to as a writer show something to people who work and have done their best dealing with difficult and sometimes trying customers. The truth is the world is a harsh place and we need to show some love and how that truly shows how great people are.

Honestly, the truth is people who work hard deserve to have something great happen, Walmart, Target, K-Mart, all those associates put up with a lot BS and truthfully it hurts to watch them get the abuse from customers who just don't understand. Why hate when you could love?

As I see it, I want to be like Dreselia, my own creation, who loves and enjoys seeing a world he can't always see and sometimes even understand. It is best to be a dragon in the form of a human walking through and being nice to everyone you meet.

When you get the sore winners

As I was reading and defending someone, I found myself being the target of an attack, like somehow me being a fellow writer is something to be snickered over. I have chosen to write for my own fun and enjoyment, not to for the money entirely, as nice as that would be. I would rather have friends and fans more so than money.

Money doesn't buy one's happiness that's a given and I don't want to be rich either because that would just be sad for me. I would rather write for my own happiness and also enjoy what others think of what I have created for people to enjoy. I'm not in this for the money, but I'm in it for the fun and friendship I could get from it all.

Seeing the harsh and cold words, it makes realize how out of touch our nation is becoming and that is what is driving toward not wanting to be here. Intellectuals are basically being told to either be dumb or face the ridicule or consideration of public humiliation for no reason.

To Sandy Fuller, stand tall and don't let these ever so cold people treat you so horribly. The truth is as a writer and someone who doesn't want to speak out so much and get a huge amount of people suddenly targetting me, I'm kind of nervous about people even reading this.

I have attempted to keep this blog nonpolitical for obvious reasons, being able to sit down and edit as I have been using this place to express my thoughts. I'm kind of like, "Okay, let's take a step back..." I have a bruise on my back, it hurts and I will no go into detail as to why it hurts or how I got it, it was unpleasant enough.

I'm still writing the second half of a chapter that has been dogging me for nearly a week and a idea of going to my writer's circle was dashed when I had to work during that time. Reading is becoming harder to do...people are becoming excessively annoyed that I won't give people a huge answer to what I'm doing...exactly on the book, considering how many times I have attempted to get someone to edit it and then having the person become a bad tempered jerk about it.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving, from the one who doesn't celebrate

I haven't celebrated Thanksgiving in years, but I'm no going to protest if someone celebrates it, but hope all my readers feel great on this day. I'm going to be at work hoping to get money so I can get something published off of Wattpad and into a fully published book. I'm working toward getting ready for other holiday nuts.

Yeah...I'm going to continue editing and trying to keep my personal feelings down....I'm still a little nervous considering my medical situation, I have bills that I have to pay and its going to be a pain.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Finding it harder to write or even edit

I need a peaceful place to work on my the moment, I have house guests, I have an annoying fiance's friend who is noisey and inconsiderate of others. This is to the point that I might have to put the book away again because I am losing steam because I'm tired of the DAMN SOUND EFFECTS!

You try writing when the two of these guys are RPing and basically every five seconds there is this annoying sound effects coming from one or the other...its RUDE...and they treat me like I'm invisible half the damn time

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Proper Response to this....President thing

All right, I'm a writer so this is not the place for me to state it, just because Trump is president doesn't mean I agree with it. I'm not going to go rioting in the streets, I'm not going to do what I have seen on TV, I have a job to do and a life, I don't have time to be doing this kind of thing...I do have one thing though, I write.

As far as a fantasy writer goes, I'm pretty much of the opinion, I will just write about it in the next book, which is yes in very much infancy of first draft and though he's mentioned through out the the first book, and doesn't have much vocal time. I'm moving this guy into the very heart of the problem in my second book, that's the decision I made, I may not like the character in the least, as villains go, I out right hate this guy...he's worse than what I have written in the past.

I don't see the point of being mean about it, but honestly, if it gets me in trouble, well...he is a fictitious character and I'm sure Trump's followers don't read fantasy novels, or at least his most crazy of followers don't.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Having to rethink...where I want my book to be published

I'm going to be working on the story, but the US will no be an option to be publishing in, I'm not sure where else to get it done because as an Independent writer, I don't want to be tied down to a publishing house or their rules. I'm going to continue working, but honestly, the election has scared me to death and my worries are now over whether or not it is safe to publish anywhere in the US that is not going to be censored.

I'm now not sure what to do about this whole thing....

Fiance reminded me that I can still work with his company, but still have have to worry about these things...the book is MINE and my brain child, I can't have some psycho in Washington DC whinning that he's being descriminated against because Krestello is a freaking war monger in a fictional story.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Why Belinda doesn't have a race?

I likened my character, Belinda to have no race, she's a human and that's all there is to it, I have never said anything in my writing to the likeness of her being white, black, or otherwise, do you want to know why? Because I want her to be someone anyone can relate to.

Belinda is the same age I was when I became an angry teenager, 14, she's the same as any other teenager. She can be anyone really, any group of people, she doesn't even have to be even 100% female, she can be nonbinary even. So look at it that way, I wanted a character who people can pick up a book and go, "hey wow, that's so me," and that's how i thought about my characters.

Heck, I have an openly gay couple in the story, Belsom and his lover, Quil, it isn't as if that's going to be a draw back, its a great characters for them too. They're average people, they work, they live their lives as normally as they can, they're not anything more than who they represent to themselves. They're people you could run into at any event or even a movie theater. So you can place them even if one is an elf and the other is a Cilf, you can tell they care about each other.

Does it matter really what a race is in general for someone? Why would a colour of a character's skin make them any less a person?

Getting Ready for Mile Hi Con

Welcome to this year's belief of trying to figure out how writing is going to help me. I'm sitting through a few more edits and then realize and remember, this is my vacation from work. Yeah, I am not doing what I should...I'm sitting on FB looking at people like they're nuts.

Politicians argue back and forth, people are getting upset and then attacking their friends, here I am recovering from surgery from the 18th still, I'm still in pain. I am one of those who actually prospered from the Obamacare, so is my fiance and yet, there are people who whine that its bad. So I'm sitting there thinking, "Damned if I do, damned if I don't," I'm considering that next time, I'm just going to tell doctors, "Look, Obamacare might as well kill me." I'm just sitting there wondering if it saved my life, but yet I'm just one of the few it helped. Well..that sucks, as a writer I'm just poor.

So I'm sort of wondering what I should do if I work on my book and just put my thoughts into this idea. I'm kind of thinking of what Kestrello's personality of what he believes is right, though writing his character is like watching TV sometimes, especially the news. He's the kind of person who is vindictive, he's a bastard, he's the kind of person who attacks blindly and then believes he's smart without doing his research. He voices opinions of the ideology that as some High Elf that he can make himself look more the ass if you realize it.

I was thinking of sketching him, but I couldn't even do it without staring at an image of Donald Trump and then at Emperor Palpatine, wondering if I should just say flat out, want to go with something darker and much more evil at times. I'm looking at every book I ever read and thought about the movies..then I remember how I envisioned Thadeous Belsom, who is Kestrello's nephew, a rather kind High Elf, who has the mind set of being honorable, noble in some sense even in a tweed suit, wearing simpler clothes than his high strung uncle. I am basically just doing two different opposing thoughts. I am thinking so highly of each, then realizing that if I use Belsom and just go off the opposite points. I think that might actually save me a lot of time considering I'm working on the roughs for the next book while finishing up the first.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

LOA: Last Day

Today is my last day of the Leave of Absence from work, I'm basically getting through my editing, so far though I'm up to Chapter 2 and preparing for the rewriting and seeing what I can edit out or can redo so that it will be a much easier to follow.

I am planning to start putting this on Word and then work toward putting it on Wattpad to see how far the story goes. I'm going to edit through it again before hand too, I'm not going to say why, but I'm wanting to make sure the story is easier to follow...

Yes, I'm really going through a lot of, the surgery is okay, but my body is ready to go back to work, I'm kind of tired of being stir crazy.

Friday, October 21, 2016

LOA: Days coming to a close

Here I was yesterday doing some editing and sitting there watching a movie, I was thinking of all the times i had to sit in my store's break room doing the editing there, but nope! I miss work, but that's just me, I love my job at times, but reading is still not quite as I expected, the place is not quiet.

I have been thinking about all the craziness I have seen on my news feed, surely the idea that this election is going to be nuts. I have thought long and hard about what I would write on the matter, but as a person attempting to be a writer, nope, not happening. I can't sit through a bunch of idiotic people yelling at each other with issues that possibly aren't as big as they are making it.

When I think about the characters I designed from watching all this, I just see a bunch of psycho elves who think they are the master race. We have these people with superiority complexes who believes that he can pay for anything to make things go away.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Day 1: Start of LOA

Here I am working on The Dragon's Library, it was kind of interesting...I was sort of thinking about what I'm going to do after my surgery, I'm sitting here wondering if I should start pitching everything. I'm going to be going to Mile Hi Con and hopefully finding out more about publishing my own stuff, I'm not the kind of person who sends stuff out without finding out how or what an editor needs to know.

I'm not entirely sure how these things work at times, but here I am doing my best to work on something and not focusing on this upcoming event in my life. So far, Tuesday is going to be something a bit shocking and worrying to me.

Also march is going to be interesting, I have to put some suitcases on layaway or at least pick up something at the thrift store. I'm going to be so excited about going to Orlando in March, of 2017. My convention times are going to be different though.

All right, I'm going to announce it now, 2017, my convention schedule is going to be very limited, but I'm going to be at:

StarFest (Saturday Only)
Myth and Legends Con (Whole Con)
Nan Desu Kan (Saturday Only)
Mile Hi Con (Maybe)

Also with this LOA thing, I'm going to be also working on some artwork, but also dealing with cleaning the house.

Saturday, October 15, 2016


I was editing and it was still working through some of the strange sentence structure...I can't believe I'm working like this again. I'm still working on everything and then working on editing again while I work.

Then I was working on attempting to get more work done on some artwork ideas, I'm still thinking about how to do this. Then I'm going to laughing through reruns of "Night Court," which is kind of strange to me.

Also I will be working on editing while I'm recovering from my surgery from October 18th till five days later, so I can start working again.This is going to be a time for me to sit down and really get some rest and also try not to think about it. I have not really talked much about what is going on, and seriously need to finish what I'm doing so I can start typing up the rest of it.

I have yet to finish the paper editing and then moving onto putting it on typing and then talk to an editor...I'm not sure where to go from there, but of course my exboyfriend has volunteered a few times.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Creepypasta and editing don't mix

While sitting down listening to the TV, which is a common thing for me while I write, I was editing a bit, usually I don't mind doing three things at once, but last night it was not the smart move. I was watching Sy-Fy Channel's Channel Zero series and it was pretty much the strangest and scariest thing I must have turned on. I am sitting there starting at the whole thing and yes, I set down my editing and was wondering why the hell did I turn on the TV at all. The show was pretty scary and to be honest, I was always reading some of the Creepypasta stuff as well...interesting stuff to look at.

Yes, I'm a horror buff, and yes, I love ghost stories as much as the next person, heck growing up, I was always interested in ghosts. So it isn't surprising I will watch The Conjuring and my sister took me to see The Conjuring 2, we're pretty much horror movie lovers especially haunted stuff. My sister and I would watch Poltergeist, she was the one with that look of "OH COOL," while I hid my eyes. Also I think that is reason she hates clowns, unless you count the miniseries "IT" as well.

As it turns out some of my writing was pretty much at one time not on a horror edge as some people might think, though I did attempt when I was younger to write a horror story. I don't think I ever attempted it again because sixth grade was something of a joke. While a teacher was telling a ghost story, I would knock on the under side of my desk and it caused the teacher to check the door. A classmate told me to knock it off, but the teacher thought it was kind of cool that I could add to a story like that. It was a little prank that I used during April 1st and it did not continue, I never told anyone else about that until later on.

When I think about horror movies and writing, I'm not that kind of person, my favorite writer Koji Suzuki who is a horror writer in Japan who was later dubbed the Japanese Steven King was interesting. If you ever read his stuff, I would say read "Ring," and "Dark Water", those are pretty much the works he's best known for. If you know horror movies, you would best know his for "Ringu" or "The Ring" and also if you want to be really interested, "Ju-on" or "The Grudge" is one of his most famous works. I am pretty much a fan of Japanese horror a bit more than American horror, but again, I don't let it stop me from seeing more.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Trying to find a place to write

Working on a story while at work helps, but honestly, it is a distraction, I'm still trying to find a great place to write...O_O; I'm sorry to say that Burger King is not a great place...neither is the break room at my work. I have tried my bedroom...then I become sleepy girl and fall right back to sleep. So this is just me...I'm waiting for news regarding another surgery coming up in a week or more.

So far I'm kind of tired of trying to find a place to write. I'm not going to be pissed off at people and I'm going to work where I'm going to get ready as well. I have not said why I need a place to work without a problem, but apparently with house guests coming soon...I'm not sure how to respond to this..because I'm not the one that made this choice.

I'm going to go looking yet again.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Welcome to October

So this is my first day off in October and I'm not really doing anything, I'm more or less just reading up on what I'm going to do...I am wishing I could walk around a bookstore, but of course the best book store in Littleton called Tradesmart is closing, which is a sad me, its sorrowful. I had a dream of waling into that store as a writer and do book signings there, now that isn't going to happen.

That's just me...writer idea...I'm tired of losing places I love...oh well...I will just end up putting Tradesmart into the story sometime...LOL

This is what happens when you write the way I do, places that were once the best place in the world become places in my I'm going to have to come up with ideas...and also I'm still drawing. While writing and drawing is kind of the best way to put my own spin on stories.

What I'm relieved of is that a former friend of mine doesn't know this blogger exists, she's the kind of person who will sue anyone. Then again, I have not spoken to this person almost four years and so its better this way, and with her kid around, she's the kind of person who just uses her family as a shield. I'm not worried if she attempts to make comments to me about my stories on Wattpad or even if she finds me in Littleton, her family is just weird.

I'm kind of relieved also that when I built this to get my ideas out there and also inform people who want to know what is going on in my mind regarding the library. When I was hanging out with my former friend, Danielle, she was attempting to stop the writing the Dragon Library because she said was going nowhere and that the story was just stupid. I was not sure how to respond when I was trying to tell her the story, I really should have stuck with my best friend from school and also her good friends because when I told them the story, I got, "AND?" or "This is great!" I was surprised at how different it was when I really told my story and how developed it became.

So today on October 4th, I'm spending it writing a bit and I'm appreciative of the friends who are yelling at me to continue and to produce new artwork for the story. Also my best friend, Jordan just got me some great ideas for a doll version of Kel'rina from the story. I will post some pictures and ideas of what I'm going to do....I'm thinking of the ball jointed doll that is prefect for I am starting to think of ideas for my writing.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

A bit of strange history

Okay, I am kind of watching the political crap going on and just wondering what the hell am i doing watching this? I'm kind of the person who is not really interested and want to keep writing, but here I am staring at it and dreading Trump winning if he does, here is the first fear....once again the Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Horror Genera of books are always put on the hack..I mean seriously, if you look at history of the generas you are looking at a horrible history of banned books in general.

Let's see, my first example is Lord of the Rings...yup, it was banned for almost the same reason Harry Potter was banned in some states. Then of my biggest protests was when I was living in Austin TX, at least in 1999, I had to deal with a library who positively did not like me requesting books like The Wonderful Wizard of OZ, which was actually required reading in my US History class in Middle School, can you image it still banned in some states? I asked why I had to pay $1.50 for having it brought to the library and the fact is I didn't understand because interlibrary loans were free in Colorado, but of course the liberarian was ignoring me stating it was a questionable book. Questionable? Ozama of OZ is questionable? My dad and I were furious and thought it was outrageous...first off, Austin TX especially the Cedar Park area is highly religious and sometimes even judging of people like myself who were not interested in reading a bunch of really religious or even romance novels.

Finally the decision was to just join a Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror Book Club, which I just had to fill out an order form once a month and pay maybe $20 a month and get whatever I wanted. I think that was highly more entertaining than going to a library that otherwise did not want to cater to fans of a specific area.

I have to say though, I still don't get how Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror are the most banned books in the history of the US. Honestly, it is like stupid as can be to be sitting in a library and realizing that all the books that I enjoy are basically the kind of books that most likely get criticized the most...

Monday, September 19, 2016

Reading through...agian

Have you ever had to re-read your work and then want to kick myself for something else. I have not said much on the matter of editing, then I have to do it all again. I'm kind of annoyed that I'm having to rewrite it again...then try to make it better, or at least something much more interesting.

So I was wondering if I should talk about myself a little so people who read a little of this know anything about me really. I'm pretty private at times, I great more private of the years due to people I met and knew. One thing is clear I get really nervous about going to conventions because being emotionally hurt is kind of a problem I have made friends, then they turn around and start being jerks when I am basically not saying anything.

Conventions I have attended
Star Con (1980s)
Nan Desu Kan (2000s)--I don't really like going out that much
Animeland Wasabi (2000s)--I do panels and try to be nice and do things for everyone
Mile Hi Con (Since 2010)-- I enjoy writing, so I want to learn to be a writer
Star Fest (for the last three years) --I went in 2005, went passed that time and then off and on,
Myth and Legends Con (2016)--First time and best educational moment of my life.

Personally, I'm going to only two conventions next year because I'm going to Orlando for a vacation with my family...with a bit of a health issues, I hope that will be a good vacation.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Editing Again

I'm not sure what I would say on the matter, but here I am yet again staring at pages of writing and then back to work again...this is not going to be easy.

So here I am wondering if I should break out the pencils and paper and do some artwork along with the writing, but I'm still tired.

My medical situation just exhausts me, along with working, but here I am working at a service desk and writing at the same time. I'm still working on some things and and writing, go hand in hand...both provide some frustration.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Medical Rest has finished

All right as I said I had a medical issue that came up and put me on hold for some parts of my writing. So technically I'm still attempting to release new stuff soon, but my editor of a fiance is not going to let me finish putting this online until its in better condition.

As for my heath, please be aware that my conventions have to be postponed till 2017 so I can at least finish up and also I'm looking at self publishing...I'm a little nervous about the politics of this country...because I don't feel comfortable with one candidate who likes to attack journalists, its just one step closer to attacking authors of literature.

Also in other news, I'm going to be in Orlando from March 25-April 1st doing stuff with family, I am also going to be starting on working on the second side of the story.

The Dragon's Library will be going through a new edit session

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Medically taking a rest

I have been writing for a while, and so far, I'm working on artwork and also some story telling, I have been exhausted due to the surgery I went through recently. A few days ago, I had to go in for a day surgery for a cyst. I am pretty much still recovering and I'm still not sure how it will work out for me.

As I have told people that this position was pretty busy on what I thought about it.

I am planning on going to Nan Desu Kan next year just commuting in and not really much for the party, but for the fun side of it...I'm not really much for Anime, but still it inspires a lot of my writing.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Myth and Legend Con: My Education Begins

It was amazing to meet all these great authors at MAL Con this year, I'm inspired and amazed at how candid they were about speaking of their experience. I was massively happy with the results and enjoyed that few moments of walking around and watching and reading new books. I have picked up a few to help me...not to mention Independent publishing maybe the way to go with this series.

I was being told i really need to finish up with the book and get it out, I was talking to a lady who uses Wattpad to get her works out and I'm pretty much of the opinion I will do it.

My review of the convention is that its small, fan based and awesome, the people were so kind and generous and I even said, "I will see you next year!" Next year, I'm coming back, maybe someday doing hand sales of the novel and hopefully getting ot meet people who are interested in reading my book.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Going to Myth and Legends Con

Yes, I'm going to be gone for awhile, not to mention, I'm battling it again, writer's block, the more you write the more you stare at a blank page. ACK! Said too much anyway...

So anyway, as my fiance who is sitting near my would say, Don't give too much away. Okay, I'm not going to say it, but the few chapters are working out...but I'm still going to be busy trying to work on a few things for the convention...maybe I hope there is a writer's group....

Also Mile Hi Con is getting closer, I have a month and a half to decide what pieces or what parts to bring if any...I'm kind of hoping to go to classes most of the con to learn writing and move further into my own. Meeting authors is so cool though, at least local authors who can help me get my head up and not feel so alone.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

It is loose and truths come in all sizes

I have been dealing with the races of the Planor for awhile, and trust me, this is going to be one hell of a I have been telling myself over and over again. Fiance has been warning against blogging on the matters of the story I'm writing, but right now, I need to put it out there.

The whole concepts of the world is changing, characters I have spent forever developing are starting to take on a more different light. A character I first wrote out as a villain actually takes more to it than to become a path to a villain, she's actually going to be kind of confusing to myself for awhile...

The Planor is getting bigger and bigger, nothing is what it appears and nothing will ever appear the way you want it to.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Dragon's Language in Depth

This post was bound to happen and I'm excited that it will finally be least the part I'm writing about right now. This is Flame Script, the language and writing of dragons in the Planor, which is actually if you look at the it is written in one of my pictures. 

So as you can see the language is right on the spines of the book look just like flames or something from fire. Yeah, that was exactly what kind of thing I was going for when I was writing it, the reason is that I wanted to created a hidden language and hidden meaning. Some of the letters are actually words in themselves, not just letters. There are many meanings to the word "to fly" or "flight" and also the language in themselves is really quite complex in some ways.

Eventually I will have the alphabet up for people to go through and build their own words from it, because it is really quite fun. Unlike the Elves from Lord of the Rings, Dragons have some really strange sense of time and present. Past is stone, so that's basically it, no real reason to go back into the past too much unless you mean history and that's something else entirely. 

I will go into that when I start writing more about what brought the story to present and also how certain characters got the way they are. 

In other news, I'm going to be going to computer to get some of the manuscript finished. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Ugh...Inspiration LOST!

Was reading some interesting books, ran across The Gates of Heaven series and then I was in for a shocker as I finished the second book...I'm not religious, nor will I ever be...considering it was just horrifying that I can't believe this person was likening herself to a writer who was TERRIBLE! I'm sorry, I am a huge critic to C.S. Lewis based on the fact that to me, religion has no place in a fantasy world at times, I just don't like incorporating some of it into my writing and it horrifies me that people do it to convert others to a religion that often times is not fair to others.

I have never been a fan of Evangelical Christians because I have always found them to be pushy and rude, sometimes pushing religious beliefs on others without even realizing it. When I was in college, I was sitting reading Eragon and enjoying it when a girl from the dorm I was at asked me why I enjoyed it. I answered that it was fun and I really liked the book and also enjoyed Anime and a few other things. She looked at me in horror and said those things are terrible for a soul and I should repent and come to know Jesus. I was offended and told a Christian friend of mine who was horrified too, he said that in no way should it reflect his religious beliefs and that it was wrong of her to tell me what to do. In fact I pointed her out the next day while waiting for the dorm shuttle and my Christian friend asked her, "How would you feel if I told you that you are wrong?" he actually asked her that and she asked him why he was telling her to stop trying to win converts. I didn't get a conversation until we got to the dorm and he told me that he was actually pissed off at her because she was going off programming from a scam artist who parades as a Christian leader. I was actually thankful he came to back me up.

Honestly, though I will never write my own faith into a book because that's just not right, I don't believe in using Fantasy as a model to talk about Wicca or even Paganism because it is just not a right place to put it in. I will talk about things like the Planor's idea of some philosophies taken out of context and a few other problems that it has. I will never favor one religion over another, that's just rude and wrong. Reading should be about having fun with what you are holding in your hand and I aim to bring the Dragon's Library as part of that idea that you don't need to be religious to understand and enjoy literature.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Adventures in Finding a Place to Write

Other than my work's breath room, I'm trying to find a place to work on my starting July 20th, I'm going to be working on the story at Enchanted Ground off of Bowles in Littleton. Pretty much I figured that would be a great place to work...and also if I'm doing a writer's circle there, it might be easier. Though if I do this alone at first, then start from there, then it will balloon.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

While dealing with work

Sitting during breaks I was going through the  first time meet of two characters who are going to be a long time rivals. I have not said much on the matter regarding and waiting for the moment that I can get to the part when one will be the fighter and also be the back stabber. I have not said much on the matter, but I have become well known to think about all the different types of books within the world I am writing.

The moment when you realize that I have way more work to go with the history of the world, not to mention that there are characters that have yet to be introduced, that there are going to be far darker creatures to show up.

I have an entire idea of what I'm doing...and also I'm waiting for the ultimate backstabbing moment because I'm going to show the real reason that I'm killing off a main character. I have yet to figure out who and how...but i'm not sure until I get it through till the next book.

Friday, July 1, 2016

The Writer's Block is ending...

All right the main story has become part of the focus for the last few days, I have not posted much on the story because it isn't working as you think it is. The stuff on Wattpad is just a few ideas being bounced around, but I'm not going to post much on there if I can help it.

I'm more scared of the idea that someone might get mad at me when they notice the story I'm working on and also think I'm writing about them. Though everything is 100% fiction and my own personal work, this is a three years of work...even though the world I created is completely my own creation.

I would say though even if two former friends are possibly going to be spying on me regarding the story I'm working on...I"m not scared of them anyway, I would love to see those two claim that I plagerized my stories because I'm sticking to doing my own artwork and my own creatures.

I am going to be working on the creatures' guide and also the characters' guide that will keep me from getting confused again. I will try and post a few things about the characters and it still made sure that I'm waiting for a certain former friend to jump out of the woodwork and cry at me that I'm a bad person.

I do believe one thing is that I don't believe in giving credit to false friends, so if the two are reading this...they are pretty much out of luck if I will ever give them or their families credit for the characters I created, these were my ideas only. I am going to protect my characters with my life...

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Finished with Denver Comic Con

Well...that was a great turn of events, I went to Denver Comic Con, it was a great convention and I am going to be enjoying returning next year. So anyway, my parts are going to be working on the story I have been working on for a few months.

The new artwork is still forth coming considering the stupidity that I witnessed in my fandom, there are people who are kind of dumb at times. I am not going to create characters based on people, but based on personality traits. Though I'm not ready to announce the new characters and working on the history of the Planors.

So anyway, my friends, I'm going to say, here are my con listings so far for this year and next

Denver Comic Con
Myth and Legend Con
Mile Hi Con

Denver Comic Con
Mile Hi Con

So far that's the plans, if anyone wants to add anything else, I'm going to announce it in future blogs, but I will be working on the stories.

Friday, June 10, 2016

New Character to Join the Library

I'm working on specifics on the characters who might be joining the cast, and one is actually quite old and well researched. I'm talking of Reynard the Fox, I figured he would find his way into the Planor eventually so I'm putting him down. Though he's not as vile as most people think, he's more of the satire end of the deal.

I will have some artwork of our dearly loved fox as soon as I can draw him out

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Well...I got my first draft up

For those interested in reading the first draft of the intro and possibly a chapter, I'm still working on right now.

Here is the Wattpad: When Dealing with Dragons

I do like the fact this is copyrighted and also works well for what I want...I'm not really interested right now in money, I will be posting a real story in the series as soon as I can find time to get an editor to pay attention to me.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

When you find much drama people cause

As I was about to write out a draft today, I was realizing people are drama, I have been falling away from the drama of Anime and Cosplay fandom, as much as I like Anime, is it really supposed to cause this much pain and heartache losing friends? When I think about it, it does have some affect how I write the worlds I have designed.

The Anime Fandom the Star Wars Fandom, there are sharp differences and its astounding how much and how little the sections stand out. The Star Wars Fandom is so well...QUIET! I mean honestly I'm so relieved, then when I'm writing, I"m not getting all that stress.

The Dragon's Library is progressing as I would like and also make it may be a lot longer than I expected considering that I'm scared of running it into three or more books. If that is the case, I guess that's where it will go from there. I'm not going to argue with my creative side anymore considering that both the art and the story are from me. I'm not going to let some other artist do the work, I am just going to make sure that the works are singular to my idea of the world, though I want to make it as interesting as possible.

I hope I do make more work.

I have May the 4th off so I'm going to be wandering through some book stores to gather more ideas.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

I have my Wattpad back and ready to operate

Okay, after having to look for a new more secure place to place my story, I'm going to be posting a few chapters of the Dragon's Library on the Wattpad for anyone who wants to read. So here is the addy and also all rights will be reserved on it.

My Wattpad:

So yes, I will continue using my blogger to give you some insight to my world and also a few Q and A moments if you want to post anything. ^_^

I'm going to continue using this site to post some artwork for the worlds I am creating and also I might even get a map ready for each world.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Hello all....

After news of Prince's Death, I'm kind of like oh no...not another great one gone...I'm not sure how I am going to respond anymore on that one.

I have been working on a few pieces of artwork, so I'm going to post some right now.

Yeah, some of it is also posted on my art pages, I have quite a few and I'm working a little more on the rough drafts of the Dragon's Library. I'm pretty much trying to figure out how to work on this. 

I'm still thinking that artwork and more to come when it comes to the art that will be part of the story. I hope at least we will have some story line up and ready for readers. 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Fun Facts I have....

After being derailed on writing a plot, I was hoping to get some information about the worlds of my creation.

Okay, the world that Belinda comes from, actually the town she's in has no church. I wanted to make the town as very unattached to religion as possible because I didn't think it was important for a town to have one if the founder was not religious. I also thought it would make the town a little more sterile and less assuming there was one religious order when there were possibly a bunch of people with different generic religious beliefs.

Kel's family, okay, the Elves are pretty nature based religiously, so I went with the customary idea that they believed magic was only for those who could control their own emotional states. So here I am creating a rather simplistic more pagan view, there is a fact that the Elves of her world are believers that women hold a lower spot on the tier of magic users, even though two fighters during the Cilves occupation of the inner city believed in that female fighters were far more effective. (I will actually discuss that more when I get around to the religious aspects of elves later)

Belsom who is a high elf actually comes from what could be considered an atheist view of magic, though they believe it works, it is pretty much not as important as the knowledge in the books. So here is the fact that High Elves and Kel's family of Elves known as Lower Elves have two very distinctly different views of magic. High Elves believe it is nothing special, just something learned from a book, while the Lower Elves believe only high born few can learn it.

Then I come to a race that I have yet to introduce to you, they are called Mecha-Onni, these horse like creatures are basically in my view the reason why I'm no too fond of religious fundamentalism. I believe in equality and that's why the Mecha Onni actually show the horrible side effects when tradition goes too far. They're basically a warrior race and some of the most annoying antagonists I could have come up with, they believe that all knowledge that has magic is dangerous. When I was developing them, I was actually watching the chaos of a Trump rally, and I was trying to think of the most vile and most horrible thing out there and when I think about it Mecha-Onni have a sort of cult mentality. They basically don't think for themselves, they're the kind of people that basically aren't the nicest or even the most respectful. Though I wouldn't put Sharko to be the worst of them, considering he's still in development and more honor bound than his fellow Mecha Onni and also seems a bit more educated.

I'm going to say inspiration for the stories i came up with are actually taken from actual experiences around me that I made into a fantasy world. I don't know how many people can say creating a race of mechanized horses who believe in fighting all their lives, or assassin creatures called Cilves is anything that can be amazing.

Okay, when I was watching a Trump rally I was thinking about all the strange creatures that could be there in it. I was looking at this one fat lady and I'm going to be blunt, she was fatter than hell and might have packed away more ice cream sandwiches than she should be eating was yelling rude things to an African American guy holding a sign saying "Free hugs." I honestly thought okay, what kind of creature in the Planor would this be? Okay, so I came up with this grotesqueness rat thing that was fatter than even a Hutt from Star Wars. I don't know why, but she was had this rat like face, and the idea of her just sitting there eating a crap town of ice cream made me think....oh...let's just play around with this.

If you are going to ask what is Trump....let's see, I know an elf in my story who is quick to judge and doesn't take much time to consider his options. His name it Ruthevan, a rather sleazy kind of High Elf, yes they exist in my world. He is the kind of guy who would sell his mother to a giant brawl lizard gangster from the lesser known plains. This guy is so power hungry that he even attempted to commit high treason just to prove the point that money can buy power....then again, I haven't gotten so far in his back story that he can make even Jabba the Hutt look tame. Yeah, I made a character so vile that even Jabba the Hutt would look at him and tell me "You are a sick woman and I can't even feed this jerk to a Rancor for fear of heart burn."

Yeah...I have come up with a whole can of evil and vile underworldlings in my own worlds that can make even Star Wars villains take a double take on the matter. I can say this though if you want to be inspired with new villains, you can look no further than the US GOP! I can't believe I just said it!

Though heroes on the other hand, I have looked high and low to develop them. Though i have come up with some pretty good neutral evil characters, Kel being one of them. Though she is considered part of the hero flock, she is actually a villain or at least a neutral one. I did an entire post explaining her reason to exist. While I sat through and wrote her entire back story and also how she met the main characters. It is hardly the case that she is truly evil, though misguided at times.

So anyway, here is the thing regarding the book as of late, writers block took over for the last two weeks and I have been yet to finish an entire chapter of the story. I don't know how much more I can stand.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Delay in work

I'm not sure how to talk about getting rough drafts until you can sit through it and go crazy with it. I'm pretty much tired of red and blue ink right now. I'm pretty quiet about it right now because some of the new artwork is going to be posted soon.

So I'm not going to post any pictures as of yet.

So far, my twitter will not be set up for even working on these books considering how annoying it would be to answer a question when I'm stuck at work. Yeah, I work...pretty much 40 hours a week and usually don't have much time to talk.

Here I am going to say this, even though this is an old piece, I'm going to be posting a few other things on DA and another Furiffic which is my alternate site if people can't get that. I'm not going to be selling prints off either site due to some issues I have with people being far away.

Also at this point i"m going to point out I'm going to be going to Denver Comic Con and hopefully talk to people about doing artwork. 

^_^ I hope you guys like some of the artwork until I get some work on the book done...yeah, these are artwork meant for my book and story. 

Friday, March 11, 2016


I'm gong to be at StarFest on Saturday, so this is going to be the first convention of the year...I'm not planning on purchases and I'm not going to be doing much but working with WhoFest.

I am not really big on least right now.

I will post a few pictures...but again writing right now, I'm on my second draft right now...

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Why I haven't posted new news

There are reasons I haven't been working on the story, I haven't had time to post much news, I have some new pictures. I have been having trouble with the ideas on what new artwork to post on here for the dragons, I have several creatures, so I'm going to put this old one.

So far the convention schedule for this year will be fun....
StarFest (Mar 12)
Denver Comic Con (June 18)
Myth and Legend Con (August)
Mile Hi Con (October)

That's it people, nothing new, I was going to do some other conventions, but these are just some things that are not to be. 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

A short story: The Queen Who Listens

Once a queen was sitting on her throne, she saw before her men from another land, bowing and telling her something she had not heard from her court. She saw her attendants hiding behind their robes and she had the horror to see what these men had to say.
These men came from a neighboring kingdom and asked and begged for her to help them, to make it so they could bring their people to her land. She heard their pleas and was deeply saddened that her neighbors were not so kind as she. She walked from her throne and bowed her head hoping she could quiet their fears, she walked around the court and made her announcement, but she saw her court shake their heads.
“Why you do this?” she asked.
“Your highness why help them? What good would it do? Why would they help us?” said one of her courtiers, a man in blue. “They aren’t like us!”
That made her turn in shock, the lessons learned from ruling, she had no idea how how her people seemed to think “You think I take a crown because I want to, do you think I like to see a hungry orphan being treated like a common slave? Do you think at one time I have to put my crown down and let someone else rule?” she glared about her. “Do you think any of you have the right to do my job?”
That was met with silence, she saw her courtiers who looked upon her in terror of the very idea of taking the throne for themselves. For years, they grew fat from her rule, they grew lazy and desired no change in the rules, but she saw now what kind of rule she had. She was shaking her head, the great queen. “I see now I must tell you what I want,” she walked outside and looked upon her people, she was in horror, the fact her rule left her people in such a horrible state. The refugees were not from a neighboring land, but from her own, she was shocked!
She was turning around and saw the two men, the two poor men who came into her palace and asked for help. They were nothing more than paupers from the neighboring land, as in the land that she had acquired, and in no way did her courtiers ever intend to help them. She gave a suffering sigh and then said unto these men. “What must we do to undo what my men have done...”
The courtiers were in horror at her final decision, she walked into the throne room and sat on her throne in anger. “YOU HAVE DONE ENOUGH!” she yelled and then drew her breath. “I am relinquishing your hold,” she pointed to one man dressed in a fine dress shirt and stalkings. “you will return what you stole, you will never take more than what you can.”
She knew that these were impossible rules, but she had to find something or some way to relieve these people.
Did she ever find a cure to this? can you when all your life you were blinded by your courtiers.

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Secondary Rough Draft

If you think I'm having issues, try looking at my book right now...rough draft is going okay, but its the secondary that I"m having issues with

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Stormy starts

Been working the book's intro and the description of the worlds that are part of the Planor, but sadly, I'm working way too much on all the different ideas.

I have not told some people what has been going on in the story because as far as I know, the story has changed, characters are being changed around.

I'm more siding with the different villains and started to move things around to make the world larger and much more comprehensive. I understand it, but I don't know if my readers will, so I'm going to make the world much more fun.

So far, doesn't help that I lost a muse of mine, she pretty much made a difference of opinion I'm evicting her character from the series, by killing it off and making the story much more dangerous. I want to make the world so much more dark and a lot more adult, than when I started off.

Dreselia is going to change...

Sunday, January 24, 2016

After Star i go

After going to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens, at least twice, i am going to be doing a few new things with the story. I have decided that Belinda is yes getting a total was always the way of things.

This is a planning session where I'm going to be working on a new character development with Belinda who may or may not make it to the third book. I'm planning on either killing her off out right or turning her into something else. I'm not entirely sure, I'm going to let myself go on the story and see what happens.

Let's just hope I can get this done soon.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

After the pull

All right, after the pull, I had to pull the chapters of the story and start over again, because apparently, something just went click. I did not want Belinda or even Kel to have that much power and considering that this is a first time story, I'm not handing that over to them willingly.

So after editing and re-editing the story, I'm going to be posting a few things that might be changed around, the destinies of some characters have been shifted a little. Some characters are not who they seem and altogether a new character will be formed later in the story, and you will meet him later on, considering I'm fighting the naming problem.

Also for those who aren't very big on magic, is the central part of the Planor and yes, I will be posting a history and full descriptions of creatures within the Planor. I am hoping that will clear up some misconceptions and I will be posting artwork of my own characters and creations.

So now then, sorry to be short on the entry, but I have to get sleep.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Something just happened

I'm actually having to gut the entire story and start from scratch to prevent a problem with a former friend saying crap about character development. I'm not sure how much I can handle having to gut the bear bones of the story and remove a character that was fundamental to the story.

I'm now redoing character development and redoing all characters so we can still have a story.

Characters who are staying

These are staying intact because there is nothing wrong with them, the fundamental problem is Belinda, her story line and entire part of the plot which revolved around her is now being rehashed out.

I'm kind of sad because that means a new name and new identity altogether. I was a huge fan of her development and possible abilities to come, but after reading and re-editing it, I'm basically forced to take down the chapters and redo them