Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Unintentional going to con, NDK

Yes, I am a Colorado local and I attended Nan Desu Kan only from Sunday and did not intend much interest of it. I am usually interested in Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and novels, not much interest in Anime due to past drama inside their community. They seem to only focus on what is popular and not care about other's feelings and it kind of hurts when you have people who think that you are just a doormat to walk on.

The truth is, I had fun because there were a bunch of people who like the same kind of Anime I like, one being Slayers, Detective Conan, and a few others. I have been inspired as a writer when it comes to stories like these. Slayers reminded me of Dungeons and Dragons and sometimes even Legend. I wish some people would realize that I have a great love also for Detective Conan who is an amazing character who gets little to no respect in the fandom.

Truthfully, I would love to be a fan again and enjoy it, but after hearing about what happened to someone and a bunch of drama that followed, there is a reason I kind of want to stay away more. I will be cosplaying Detective Conan for fun, nothing competitive and I just think people who do something out of spite are immature. There are reasons that many people do not like us, we bring so much baggage nowadays.

I would much rather go back to NDK with the memories I have with the first time seeing models and also enjoying the artshow. That is the most honest answer I can give as M.M. Fenney the writer, the person who people wanted as a doormat kind of died, and she wants to just go back to being who she is. The writer in me will mention that as I see this, I want to go to see the models, the amazing artists and also the people in artist alley.

The sad news is my eyes are not always what they used to be and I have a cataract in one eye so seeing is the hardest part for me. So here I was talking to people and walking a con floor with a migraine from hell, and Aspirin does not work for me AT ALL! So yes, I am taking four tiny pills of aspirin to just function at a convention. Gee...I hope I can get this fixed soon.

So anyway with the con out of the way and I am ordering pictures, I will be ready for Daku Con, my panels are set.

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