Saturday, December 9, 2017

Why do people persist I continue

After my last post, i was bombarded with people telling me to continue my story and not be turned off. The honest factor is, even if I continue, there is one underlying factor, one person who might dig it up and come up and demand money for it, Eryn. The truth is I do not speak about my own thoughts on it because I know she will demand money that is not rightfully hers to request.

The story in itself has nothing to do with her or even her family, there is no dark secret in there, other than the fact I know her family are White Supremacists who barely tolerate Pagans. They have spoken so coldly in the past of how they felt superior to others and frowned on Eryn's many ethnically different friends.

I have felt uncomfortable about dealing with their family directly after finding out the truth. I never wanted to tell anyone the truth about how I realized how bad it was. Her family seemed so nice and friendly to myself and her other friends, but deep down, you can tell there was a horrible nagging feeling that they really did not like us.

I am scared that the Dragon's Library could actually dig up old wounds, but in a case, maybe it should be finished. I am hoping that I can at least get my artwork and the world I built so largely to escape into. The more I think about it, the more I want to just dig in my heels and go, welcome to the Dragon's Library, and if you are so conservative to reject it, then guess what, there is a door! I am suggesting maybe I should write the rest of the story, publish and watch from behind the screen and see what happens. 

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