Thursday, November 19, 2015

All about the villains and heroes

I am going to post this until I can get this chapter done and edited. So here is a little back story of how this one came up with a person like Kel.

When I said she is the embodiment of my frustration with a former friends, well....let's start with one of my former friends, after we broke as friends, she had the gall to use me for a loan as a well...let's just say reference. My fiance and I were waiting in traffic when the loan company called regarding her, instead of being nice and saying, "well, she can pay it back," we told the lady she was scammer and it was all pretty much the fact I kept getting calls from these loan companies regarding this former friend. I got sick and tired of it and decided to just say how I truly felt, after that, no more freaking calls and I guess she never got that damn pay-day loan. Truthfully, the reason we did it is I was getting tired of ignoring my phone. 

This was part of Kel being born, truthfully, I started to get real sick and tired of being run over so I began building a character suited to this former friend, than I started to tearing it apart and working on her personality. Kel is well....she uses people, that's all there is to it, just as my former friend used to do. I will not name names because that's just not what I'm about and I don't need people going on and attacking this girl she knows what she did. So I went on and built off all the bad things that my former friend did to others.

Kel's other half of personality is built off another former friend, who well...let's just say is a control freak. She pretends to like you, then attempts to change you to her idea of what a friend should be in her eyes. She doesn't care if you have outside hobbies or any other things that you like, if she doesn't like it, its basically trash as far as she sees it. She wanted to trash 30 years of Star Wars collecting, and declaw a 5 year old cat, so that's pretty much her mentality. Kel, I decided to base that as one of her weaknesses, because she killed her best friend at the start of the scene when you meet her. 

The truth is that when it came to writing on the villain, I came up with the entire back story almost in a month and a half to get what I desired. I didn't just stick with the personalities that were from my former friends, I decided to pick apart every bad thing a person had done to me and just built it into Kel as she progresses in the story she gets steadily out of control. I made it so that she had no real self control or even value for life because with the fact that these former friends may get it in their heads to demand something of a say in how this story was going to go. I decided to say "meh," and went along with just bits and pieces so I wouldn't get in trouble.

You won't see a lot of the personalities in there as you read this because I redid most of the character design as I was writing to make her more part of that world that I created and less of the people that she was modeled after originally. When I look at her now, I see less of the two individuals I based her from, I basically just changed the entire look and feel of her to something of bits and pieces of different bad incidents in my life that would make her much more interesting. 

We have not gotten to the scenes with Belinda and Kel having it out yet, so you are going to have to wait and see. Considering I have a big sound off and also I hate to say it that we may gain or lose a character in the end. After all, how can you judge anything. 

Quil....well...when I was first putting the story together, Quil wasn't in there, he was basically a last minute add, he wasn't exactly who I thought would be based on anyone, he was a character that was based on people around me. He acts as a guide like Belsom does in some sense, but not entirely, when you think about a Cilf who doesn't want to be one. He's basically based off a friend of mine who going through a lot of life changes. He's wise, but it is more the street smarts of the Planor that of course Kel lacks. Just a little chuckle from me, if my friend, Brandy reads this, I am hoping she doesn't get to offended that yes, Quil is a guy, but she's the model for him. Running a tavern like the Silver Griffon and also having to deal with Kel in the first part of the story. You find out that of course there is more to him.

Quil was not considered a hero, but was ultimately the blame for the death of Dreselia's aunt, which you find out that he killed his own serpent to prove the point he wasn't the killer. This is only the fact that shows that Quil has a sense of honor. He is not a freaking killing machine much to Kel's disapproval. 

We won't reach the reason why Kel leaves Quil until much later and I am not going to go into detail because that's going to give away the story too much.

Belinda, now this is not a character I like to talk about, truthfully, she is a hero in the story considering her role in the library as fellow librarian, she's a favorite character of two of my friends and my fiance who helped design her. Her personality has yet to really establish itself and yet I have a lot of notes on her. Here is the truth about the design and also where she came from, Belinda actually was modeled after nobody! That's right NO ONE was the model, she came into her own after I wrote down some notes regarding the first idea for the Dragon's Library. I was not really thinking of a story, I just wrote down about a place and about the guardian, not much story attached until someone pressed me about the Planor and other attachments to the world I was building. 

Dreselia was also a character I based on many of the personalities of people and friends I ran into. I was sort of running through ideas of how this place would work. Yes, magic runs throughout the library and it does cost a bit for it to work in OUR world, and yes, people like Belinda and Dreselia are still bound by the rules of our world. 

Belsom, here is a character I would love to talk about because the basis for him was from three friends of mine, truthfully they could fight all they want over this and still find that I respect all three. One is my dear friend, Joe, then there is Chaz and Matt who share this honor of being the elf who is both wise cracking and also street wise on the way the Planor works. Running a bookstore and being the one person who runs the books to Dreselia in our world. We have not really got into his back story yet and I'm not about to break into that because that's for later posts and later fun and games if you might ask me. 

Now that you know what exactly is going on in the world of the Planor and also our world, you're going to have to wait until the end of the month for the rest of the chapter. So....draw up your own conclusions, your own character ideals and see how far or how close you can get with coming up with the worlds in which I'm playing in. ^_^ Join me in the Planor! 

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