Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy Christmas and Dragons' Day

^_^ I have to say, I need to work on the holidays in the world I'm working I'm thinking what is similar to Dec. 25 would be the day the Dragons opened their world to the other planes and kept the worlds at peace.

So hope every reader has a great holiday

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Taking Time Off

I had to take time off from writing for a bit so I can finish up the rest of the editing and then trying to fix a few things.

The new stuff coming out will be official, though this isn't the actual story and just a test for what you guys can expect for the future. ^_^ The real story isn't finished yet and I'm hoping that my fiance and I will finish up all the editing in time for the Holidays.

Also been readying for a movie coming out soon, I will tell you later when I actually get a chance to see it.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Grrrr....Holiday Madness Takes its Toll

Yes, I was supposed to have the next chapter up and running, but here is the thing about working a job and also having to write at the same time. Due to a little problem that was happened around August, that landed my fiance in the hospital, some of my notebooks with the stories went somewhere in a mess. here I am scrambling to get something up by Yule.

Now this takes its toll on me...and having my fiance as the secondary editor is ever more a drain, he doesn't like this site, so he's been fighting to close it and move it offline, but I need some way to get the story out there.

Pretty much I'm going to be taking time in December during my days off to finish up and also get it edited for you guys to read the next chapter.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

All about the villains and heroes

I am going to post this until I can get this chapter done and edited. So here is a little back story of how this one came up with a person like Kel.

When I said she is the embodiment of my frustration with a former friends, well....let's start with one of my former friends, after we broke as friends, she had the gall to use me for a loan as a well...let's just say reference. My fiance and I were waiting in traffic when the loan company called regarding her, instead of being nice and saying, "well, she can pay it back," we told the lady she was scammer and it was all pretty much the fact I kept getting calls from these loan companies regarding this former friend. I got sick and tired of it and decided to just say how I truly felt, after that, no more freaking calls and I guess she never got that damn pay-day loan. Truthfully, the reason we did it is I was getting tired of ignoring my phone. 

This was part of Kel being born, truthfully, I started to get real sick and tired of being run over so I began building a character suited to this former friend, than I started to tearing it apart and working on her personality. Kel is well....she uses people, that's all there is to it, just as my former friend used to do. I will not name names because that's just not what I'm about and I don't need people going on and attacking this girl she knows what she did. So I went on and built off all the bad things that my former friend did to others.

Kel's other half of personality is built off another former friend, who well...let's just say is a control freak. She pretends to like you, then attempts to change you to her idea of what a friend should be in her eyes. She doesn't care if you have outside hobbies or any other things that you like, if she doesn't like it, its basically trash as far as she sees it. She wanted to trash 30 years of Star Wars collecting, and declaw a 5 year old cat, so that's pretty much her mentality. Kel, I decided to base that as one of her weaknesses, because she killed her best friend at the start of the scene when you meet her. 

The truth is that when it came to writing on the villain, I came up with the entire back story almost in a month and a half to get what I desired. I didn't just stick with the personalities that were from my former friends, I decided to pick apart every bad thing a person had done to me and just built it into Kel as she progresses in the story she gets steadily out of control. I made it so that she had no real self control or even value for life because with the fact that these former friends may get it in their heads to demand something of a say in how this story was going to go. I decided to say "meh," and went along with just bits and pieces so I wouldn't get in trouble.

You won't see a lot of the personalities in there as you read this because I redid most of the character design as I was writing to make her more part of that world that I created and less of the people that she was modeled after originally. When I look at her now, I see less of the two individuals I based her from, I basically just changed the entire look and feel of her to something of bits and pieces of different bad incidents in my life that would make her much more interesting. 

We have not gotten to the scenes with Belinda and Kel having it out yet, so you are going to have to wait and see. Considering I have a big sound off and also I hate to say it that we may gain or lose a character in the end. After all, how can you judge anything. 

Quil....well...when I was first putting the story together, Quil wasn't in there, he was basically a last minute add, he wasn't exactly who I thought would be based on anyone, he was a character that was based on people around me. He acts as a guide like Belsom does in some sense, but not entirely, when you think about a Cilf who doesn't want to be one. He's basically based off a friend of mine who going through a lot of life changes. He's wise, but it is more the street smarts of the Planor that of course Kel lacks. Just a little chuckle from me, if my friend, Brandy reads this, I am hoping she doesn't get to offended that yes, Quil is a guy, but she's the model for him. Running a tavern like the Silver Griffon and also having to deal with Kel in the first part of the story. You find out that of course there is more to him.

Quil was not considered a hero, but was ultimately the blame for the death of Dreselia's aunt, which you find out that he killed his own serpent to prove the point he wasn't the killer. This is only the fact that shows that Quil has a sense of honor. He is not a freaking killing machine much to Kel's disapproval. 

We won't reach the reason why Kel leaves Quil until much later and I am not going to go into detail because that's going to give away the story too much.

Belinda, now this is not a character I like to talk about, truthfully, she is a hero in the story considering her role in the library as fellow librarian, she's a favorite character of two of my friends and my fiance who helped design her. Her personality has yet to really establish itself and yet I have a lot of notes on her. Here is the truth about the design and also where she came from, Belinda actually was modeled after nobody! That's right NO ONE was the model, she came into her own after I wrote down some notes regarding the first idea for the Dragon's Library. I was not really thinking of a story, I just wrote down about a place and about the guardian, not much story attached until someone pressed me about the Planor and other attachments to the world I was building. 

Dreselia was also a character I based on many of the personalities of people and friends I ran into. I was sort of running through ideas of how this place would work. Yes, magic runs throughout the library and it does cost a bit for it to work in OUR world, and yes, people like Belinda and Dreselia are still bound by the rules of our world. 

Belsom, here is a character I would love to talk about because the basis for him was from three friends of mine, truthfully they could fight all they want over this and still find that I respect all three. One is my dear friend, Joe, then there is Chaz and Matt who share this honor of being the elf who is both wise cracking and also street wise on the way the Planor works. Running a bookstore and being the one person who runs the books to Dreselia in our world. We have not really got into his back story yet and I'm not about to break into that because that's for later posts and later fun and games if you might ask me. 

Now that you know what exactly is going on in the world of the Planor and also our world, you're going to have to wait until the end of the month for the rest of the chapter. So....draw up your own conclusions, your own character ideals and see how far or how close you can get with coming up with the worlds in which I'm playing in. ^_^ Join me in the Planor! 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Chapter not done yet

Yeah, I know I should be posting a new chapter, but I am not done with it, I am still writing and editing it and so you are going to have to be patient, I might get it done at least on Monday, at least that's the thought, if not Tuesday, so please understand that this does take time, if it isn't done by then, you will know way, WORK!

Yup, that's right, I work a regular job and I do not bring my laptop wherever I go because well...I personally wouldn't trust half my co-workers to know what the hell I'm doing.

So let's just do a Q and A.

Q: Where do I work?

Currently, Walmart, been there almost five years this December.

Q: Why there?

Well....why not, it isn't as if it is the end of the world that I work there? Because it is just a regular job like any other.

Q: Do you have any talents?

I play the flute, piano, I know a bit of American Sign Language and a bit of Japanese.

Q: Did you go to college?

I did at one time, but money and other circumstances caught because is hard to explain, the problem stemmed from having to become responsible for a roommate who was falling down. So I dropped out of college and started to find myself at the work force. It sucks not having a degree, but what can you do?

Q: Who inspired you to write about Dreselia?

Actually no one, I was walking home from work and suddenly the idea just sort of came to me, what happened was a former friend of mine sort of walked out. I was furious and wanted to think of ways to not let it happen again, and then I thought about a world of magical books and a library guarded by dragons.

Q: Do you have any friends?

I have a lot of friends, but most of them are so far away that I hardly see them, unless I attend a convention and that's when I can see them.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Facts about Kel

The character of Kel was actually a character I was working with, it was a build of all the anger that i had toward people who were just mean spirited people. She was upgraded and some aspects of her personality have yet to be seen.

I have not told people much about her and I was scared to talk about a character that had a lot of negative feelings fed into her. She's not a bad person, just a victim of her own circumstances and also her species.

She did become my favorite character other than Dreselia, the dragon. The truth is that when it came down to it, I had to come up with a villain who was not only evil, but also a victim in her own right. I have no intention to write something siding with her all the way.

You will see more of my characters and also a few other back stories to the creation of characters.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Joys of Editing

There is no two ways around it, there is no joy in editing your own manuscripts at this time, because basically right now, I have to wait until I have something to put on. Basically the first two chapters are up, these are of course tests to see how well these do.

I'm still wondering if I should be a little more forward on posting the posting of this blog and bring out the fact that yes, the Dragon's Library is real and I'm doing it from my own head.

If anyone wants a Q and A about characters, post below and I will do my best to answer questions on why some characters are the way they are or what can be changed to work with the magical world that I'm building.

I'm also going to be posting my own artwork for these stories so please understand that all this is from me, not from someone else, I did not commission anyone to make the artwork, everything comes from my own DA account or even my works that have not been posted yet.

Please be patient while I work on the story and I will be posting as soon as I can

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Working on the next entry in the chapter

If you are waiting this long, then you have a lot of patience, the new chapter will be up later, but again, I must stress this is not going to be the real story, these are all just roughs and just testing out characters.

Also the characters are my own and I will not tolerate theft.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

If you're looking forward to next chapter

I am not done editing the chapter yet, so I have to wait, as far as I know, these chapters are NOT going to be official and also some of the names or even character designs may change, nothing is really going to be fore sure.

I know if people do like the stories to please post what you think and also please realize that trolling is not allowed and I will delete trolls who are being destructive and cruel. I do reserve that right and I'm not going to be a negative Nancy when it comes to it.

Please understand that all these stories are from my own head and yes I will be copyrighting the new versions and will be getting these published, this is just a testing site to figure out what will work and what will not work for my own stories.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Character design news

I am working on the dragons, elves, humans and more, I'm not sure how this works out. I'm basically drawing for awhile, I was drawing up the ideas and do some artwork.

I'm hoping if there are readers of my stories they will enjoy. I can't wait to get some artwork for you up and it looks almost like it will be exciting.
As you can see I have some artwork that is already for some of the work, but I'm working on something that is especially made for this page and for the characters in this story. I'm not sure how else to work with anyone else on it, but I'm hoping I have readers soon.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Why dragons should NEVER go to Grocery Stores

All right, here is a little exercise with my character and I hope people do read this and enjoy this little chance of seeing my writing.

Whoever invented grocery stores should be turned into a lizard or at least a dinosaur as far as a certain dragon had in mind. Having to use a spell to make himself into a human, the dragon, Drake was furious with himself, he had not expected to actually be told to go to the store after he accidentally stepped on his apprentice's bicycle. 

"Yes, I apologize, I will get you a new one," he assured his human apprentice who had stared at him with large eyes, her brown eyes looked like large disks now as he was pulled along. He was hoping the poor brown haired girl wasn't going to scream when she realized that he swore up and down he would get her a new bike and something to eat too.

"Attention shoppers, we now have fresh banana's on sale for .05 cents a pound," an announcement was made that caused a rush to produce, just his luck when he looked on the list, 

Walking through the trail of people, he picked up at least a group of four bananas, he was laughing a little. He put it in the basket he was holding, and then suddenly something was tickling his nose. Oh no....not here, he thought, he knew that if  he was not careful he would lose his control and soon he would be his usual dragon self. He rushed to check out, he paid, but that didn't stop him, his nose started to itch, he wrinkled it, fighting the urge, than it came, the horrible sound and then.....

"ACHOOOOOOO!!!!! GRRRRRR," and there in the middle of the grocery store was a steadily growing dragon, whose blue scales matched the floor, he was trying to put his spell back on. He realized that suddenly there were screams coming from the humans running from him. He was soon aware, that his tail was going out the front door. 

"WHAT THE HELL! I just sent you to get some food!" the upset magician in training marched in, she was standing by the door and weaseling her way through it. 

"I can explain," Drake gasped out and soon found he was back to his human form, he was leaning on the door. "I'm allergic to dust."

"Look, let's just get back to your mansion and we can inform the council you screwed up," she pulled the bag of bananas into her arms and walked ahead of him. "Honestly, I should have just done this myself."

(This is the first experiment with the characters) 
Note: These are MY characters and yes, I'm trying to work on this as a copyrighted 

Monday, October 26, 2015

The draft on who a dragon is

When writing about a dragon whose library is as large or as small as he wants it to be, of a place where things are not always what they should be. That's the library, that's what it is, a place that is huge and quiet, a place where magic can be studied in peace, while your librarian is the large dragon who is trying to learn as much magic as he can.

Welcome to the Dragon's Library, a place where magic is not always what it is or even easy to practice. There are no real magical amulets or strange items that will bring you into a magical world.

The world I'm building is something that is truly amazing...


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Welcome to the Dragon's Library

For those who want to know, I'm writing a story and working hard, this is the personal blog on this story and also the first couple chapters or drafts of the story. This is not for copying and also I will copyright the works as soon as I can, but also I want people to get to know the characters and the Planor. 

Welcome again to the library and please give your views of the story and the characters you are about to meet. The artwork are from my page on deviant art: NagiNaoe101 if you like the artwork or want to know anything more about what is going on in the book, you can join the test writing. 

So please give some views of what you want to see in the Dragon's Library