Sunday, April 30, 2017

When you have a lot on your plate

I have been watching my friends on FB for awhile and yes, while you edit, you become ever so distracted. I was watching how a group calling themselves The Furry Raiders are forever in the blame or eye of blame for something, the truth is, they walked into a fire fight without much guard and got the horrible end of it. I'm not a fan of some of them nor will I support their actions, I'm still kind of burned up by how people treat those like myself.

I have sat through many a fire fight and some of it feeds into my writing a bit, but the honest factor is at least it is better than having some of my past dug up in front of me. Honestly, I'm kind of glad that when I think about all the bad people who crossed my path, none of them seem to be as bad as this. Then again, I don't even think they remember who I am anymore, because they're not part of my life.

Friday, April 28, 2017

When someone can't...

Truthfully, I don't get the Alt-Right conservatives who think all Furry authors write porn, I have never understood that when I'm a seriously looking at myself in a mirror and reading what I write and start to laugh because evidently The Dragon's Library is hardly even qualifying as porn because just isn't.

At the moment, I'm editing and the lights are flickering off and on a little, which means we have a minor power surge as we are dealing a snow storm. Yeah, the joys of living in Colorado, the land of maybe four seasons, LOL.

I was still laughing at the people on this guy's FB, Milo Yiannopoulos's page, he seems almost wanting to stir up an entire pot of discontent among everyone. His lot attacked the fact I'm educated, I'm a furry, I don't write porn and I am one of the most opposite people out there to what he expects people to think.

Truthfully, I hope none of his followers ever find this page because that's the last thing I really want because aside from trolls, I want this blog to be about writing this book and not about being someone I'm surely not. There are reasons I don't tell people much about what I'm writing.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Fan Fiction Helps

I'm doing a little fan fiction, and yes, I'm doing some research on a new Star Wars fan fiction. I was not sure why I want to write about a girl who finds herself in the worlds of Luke Skywalker and learning about the worlds around her.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Progress report....and a con

Went to StarFest for a day and had a great time, usually I only go for Saturday because there is so much more to do than just going all three days, that I get tired really fast. I enjoyed my day with friends and also started with seeing an actor I have loved since last year with The Magicians. I have taken a lot of looks into my own writing since I started reading Lev Glossman's book, and it is something that I take some pride in.

The truth is, that while I was there, I saw people I have not seen in awhile, most times I have avoided most confrontations and I don't talk about people who have hurt me. Though I was happy to see a former roommate smiling and enjoying himself, he looked happy, so I did well not to talk to him or even speak to him, I was too wrapped up in meeting Hale Appledon who is amazing, he's just one of those people I had to love.

I have been putting a lot of thought to my story at the moment and divided the worlds in a few ways, I have not spoken that much on my experiences, but I want to start working harder on the books and adding a bit more diverse language to it. I'm a bit flat on conversations at times, but when I go into characters, I want to make sure that everything goes all right for the story.

So I am thinking that this year's convention schedule is bound to change and I will announce it when the time comes.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Vacation is Over

Yup, went on vacation and did some writing, but more I was having an adventure with a great six year old nephew, an amazing sister, and my dad. We were in Orlando from Saturday, March 25 to April 1st and that's no joke. It was the best vacation I have ever been on for awhile...and also getting some writing done was good where did I put my notebook?