Thursday, September 29, 2016

A bit of strange history

Okay, I am kind of watching the political crap going on and just wondering what the hell am i doing watching this? I'm kind of the person who is not really interested and want to keep writing, but here I am staring at it and dreading Trump winning if he does, here is the first fear....once again the Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Horror Genera of books are always put on the hack..I mean seriously, if you look at history of the generas you are looking at a horrible history of banned books in general.

Let's see, my first example is Lord of the Rings...yup, it was banned for almost the same reason Harry Potter was banned in some states. Then of my biggest protests was when I was living in Austin TX, at least in 1999, I had to deal with a library who positively did not like me requesting books like The Wonderful Wizard of OZ, which was actually required reading in my US History class in Middle School, can you image it still banned in some states? I asked why I had to pay $1.50 for having it brought to the library and the fact is I didn't understand because interlibrary loans were free in Colorado, but of course the liberarian was ignoring me stating it was a questionable book. Questionable? Ozama of OZ is questionable? My dad and I were furious and thought it was outrageous...first off, Austin TX especially the Cedar Park area is highly religious and sometimes even judging of people like myself who were not interested in reading a bunch of really religious or even romance novels.

Finally the decision was to just join a Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror Book Club, which I just had to fill out an order form once a month and pay maybe $20 a month and get whatever I wanted. I think that was highly more entertaining than going to a library that otherwise did not want to cater to fans of a specific area.

I have to say though, I still don't get how Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror are the most banned books in the history of the US. Honestly, it is like stupid as can be to be sitting in a library and realizing that all the books that I enjoy are basically the kind of books that most likely get criticized the most...

Monday, September 19, 2016

Reading through...agian

Have you ever had to re-read your work and then want to kick myself for something else. I have not said much on the matter of editing, then I have to do it all again. I'm kind of annoyed that I'm having to rewrite it again...then try to make it better, or at least something much more interesting.

So I was wondering if I should talk about myself a little so people who read a little of this know anything about me really. I'm pretty private at times, I great more private of the years due to people I met and knew. One thing is clear I get really nervous about going to conventions because being emotionally hurt is kind of a problem I have made friends, then they turn around and start being jerks when I am basically not saying anything.

Conventions I have attended
Star Con (1980s)
Nan Desu Kan (2000s)--I don't really like going out that much
Animeland Wasabi (2000s)--I do panels and try to be nice and do things for everyone
Mile Hi Con (Since 2010)-- I enjoy writing, so I want to learn to be a writer
Star Fest (for the last three years) --I went in 2005, went passed that time and then off and on,
Myth and Legends Con (2016)--First time and best educational moment of my life.

Personally, I'm going to only two conventions next year because I'm going to Orlando for a vacation with my family...with a bit of a health issues, I hope that will be a good vacation.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Editing Again

I'm not sure what I would say on the matter, but here I am yet again staring at pages of writing and then back to work again...this is not going to be easy.

So here I am wondering if I should break out the pencils and paper and do some artwork along with the writing, but I'm still tired.

My medical situation just exhausts me, along with working, but here I am working at a service desk and writing at the same time. I'm still working on some things and and writing, go hand in hand...both provide some frustration.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Medical Rest has finished

All right as I said I had a medical issue that came up and put me on hold for some parts of my writing. So technically I'm still attempting to release new stuff soon, but my editor of a fiance is not going to let me finish putting this online until its in better condition.

As for my heath, please be aware that my conventions have to be postponed till 2017 so I can at least finish up and also I'm looking at self publishing...I'm a little nervous about the politics of this country...because I don't feel comfortable with one candidate who likes to attack journalists, its just one step closer to attacking authors of literature.

Also in other news, I'm going to be in Orlando from March 25-April 1st doing stuff with family, I am also going to be starting on working on the second side of the story.

The Dragon's Library will be going through a new edit session

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Medically taking a rest

I have been writing for a while, and so far, I'm working on artwork and also some story telling, I have been exhausted due to the surgery I went through recently. A few days ago, I had to go in for a day surgery for a cyst. I am pretty much still recovering and I'm still not sure how it will work out for me.

As I have told people that this position was pretty busy on what I thought about it.

I am planning on going to Nan Desu Kan next year just commuting in and not really much for the party, but for the fun side of it...I'm not really much for Anime, but still it inspires a lot of my writing.