Saturday, July 23, 2016

It is loose and truths come in all sizes

I have been dealing with the races of the Planor for awhile, and trust me, this is going to be one hell of a I have been telling myself over and over again. Fiance has been warning against blogging on the matters of the story I'm writing, but right now, I need to put it out there.

The whole concepts of the world is changing, characters I have spent forever developing are starting to take on a more different light. A character I first wrote out as a villain actually takes more to it than to become a path to a villain, she's actually going to be kind of confusing to myself for awhile...

The Planor is getting bigger and bigger, nothing is what it appears and nothing will ever appear the way you want it to.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Dragon's Language in Depth

This post was bound to happen and I'm excited that it will finally be least the part I'm writing about right now. This is Flame Script, the language and writing of dragons in the Planor, which is actually if you look at the it is written in one of my pictures. 

So as you can see the language is right on the spines of the book look just like flames or something from fire. Yeah, that was exactly what kind of thing I was going for when I was writing it, the reason is that I wanted to created a hidden language and hidden meaning. Some of the letters are actually words in themselves, not just letters. There are many meanings to the word "to fly" or "flight" and also the language in themselves is really quite complex in some ways.

Eventually I will have the alphabet up for people to go through and build their own words from it, because it is really quite fun. Unlike the Elves from Lord of the Rings, Dragons have some really strange sense of time and present. Past is stone, so that's basically it, no real reason to go back into the past too much unless you mean history and that's something else entirely. 

I will go into that when I start writing more about what brought the story to present and also how certain characters got the way they are. 

In other news, I'm going to be going to computer to get some of the manuscript finished. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Ugh...Inspiration LOST!

Was reading some interesting books, ran across The Gates of Heaven series and then I was in for a shocker as I finished the second book...I'm not religious, nor will I ever be...considering it was just horrifying that I can't believe this person was likening herself to a writer who was TERRIBLE! I'm sorry, I am a huge critic to C.S. Lewis based on the fact that to me, religion has no place in a fantasy world at times, I just don't like incorporating some of it into my writing and it horrifies me that people do it to convert others to a religion that often times is not fair to others.

I have never been a fan of Evangelical Christians because I have always found them to be pushy and rude, sometimes pushing religious beliefs on others without even realizing it. When I was in college, I was sitting reading Eragon and enjoying it when a girl from the dorm I was at asked me why I enjoyed it. I answered that it was fun and I really liked the book and also enjoyed Anime and a few other things. She looked at me in horror and said those things are terrible for a soul and I should repent and come to know Jesus. I was offended and told a Christian friend of mine who was horrified too, he said that in no way should it reflect his religious beliefs and that it was wrong of her to tell me what to do. In fact I pointed her out the next day while waiting for the dorm shuttle and my Christian friend asked her, "How would you feel if I told you that you are wrong?" he actually asked her that and she asked him why he was telling her to stop trying to win converts. I didn't get a conversation until we got to the dorm and he told me that he was actually pissed off at her because she was going off programming from a scam artist who parades as a Christian leader. I was actually thankful he came to back me up.

Honestly, though I will never write my own faith into a book because that's just not right, I don't believe in using Fantasy as a model to talk about Wicca or even Paganism because it is just not a right place to put it in. I will talk about things like the Planor's idea of some philosophies taken out of context and a few other problems that it has. I will never favor one religion over another, that's just rude and wrong. Reading should be about having fun with what you are holding in your hand and I aim to bring the Dragon's Library as part of that idea that you don't need to be religious to understand and enjoy literature.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Adventures in Finding a Place to Write

Other than my work's breath room, I'm trying to find a place to work on my starting July 20th, I'm going to be working on the story at Enchanted Ground off of Bowles in Littleton. Pretty much I figured that would be a great place to work...and also if I'm doing a writer's circle there, it might be easier. Though if I do this alone at first, then start from there, then it will balloon.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

While dealing with work

Sitting during breaks I was going through the  first time meet of two characters who are going to be a long time rivals. I have not said much on the matter regarding and waiting for the moment that I can get to the part when one will be the fighter and also be the back stabber. I have not said much on the matter, but I have become well known to think about all the different types of books within the world I am writing.

The moment when you realize that I have way more work to go with the history of the world, not to mention that there are characters that have yet to be introduced, that there are going to be far darker creatures to show up.

I have an entire idea of what I'm doing...and also I'm waiting for the ultimate backstabbing moment because I'm going to show the real reason that I'm killing off a main character. I have yet to figure out who and how...but i'm not sure until I get it through till the next book.

Friday, July 1, 2016

The Writer's Block is ending...

All right the main story has become part of the focus for the last few days, I have not posted much on the story because it isn't working as you think it is. The stuff on Wattpad is just a few ideas being bounced around, but I'm not going to post much on there if I can help it.

I'm more scared of the idea that someone might get mad at me when they notice the story I'm working on and also think I'm writing about them. Though everything is 100% fiction and my own personal work, this is a three years of work...even though the world I created is completely my own creation.

I would say though even if two former friends are possibly going to be spying on me regarding the story I'm working on...I"m not scared of them anyway, I would love to see those two claim that I plagerized my stories because I'm sticking to doing my own artwork and my own creatures.

I am going to be working on the creatures' guide and also the characters' guide that will keep me from getting confused again. I will try and post a few things about the characters and it still made sure that I'm waiting for a certain former friend to jump out of the woodwork and cry at me that I'm a bad person.

I do believe one thing is that I don't believe in giving credit to false friends, so if the two are reading this...they are pretty much out of luck if I will ever give them or their families credit for the characters I created, these were my ideas only. I am going to protect my characters with my life...